Veer Cruiser Infant Car Seat Adapter – Nuna / Maxi-Cosi / Cybex / Clek

Original price was: $59.00.Current price is: $17.70.


This adapter for Cybex, Nuna, and Maxi-Cosi infant car seats quickly and intuitively fastens to the Veer Cruiser’s frame, enabling your infant to live the Veer experience. You can place your car seat in any of four positions: facing you or facing the outside world, and above the front or back seat of Cruiser. Cruiser can accommodate 1 infant car seat. (For 6mo+ twins, please consider the Toddler Comfort Seat.)
Color: Solid Black
Compatible with the following car seats:

Nuna PIPA Lite LX
Nuna PIPA Lite
Nuna PIPA 

Nuna PIPA Lite RX
Cybex Cloud Q
Cybex Aton Q
Maxi-Cosi Mico Max 30
Maxi-Cosi Mico 30
Maxi-Cosi Nxt
Maxi-Cosi Mico AP
Maxi-Cosi Coral XP (only with use of Maxi-Cosi Inner Carrier Adapter)


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